Contrary to most of other companies, Covolan Têxtil® was certified initially on ISO 14001, instead of ISO 9001, proving then its concerning with the environment.
This awareness with environmental issues has always been marked the Covolan Têxtil® story and it is on its DNA, when comprehend the importance and responsibility of environment impact generated by its industrial acting, with the immediate reflections on the environment, and above all the ones that will be inherited by future generations.
The ISO 14001 standard series focused on environmental management were published in 1996, using as reference the BS 7750 standards, being also published on the same year the brazilian version by “Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas” (ABNT), being under CB 38 responsibility (Comitê Brasileiro de Gestão Ambiental). On December 2004, had its second edition and on October 2015 was published the third edition, the one we use since then.
ISO 14001 standard series determines the elements for an effective environmental management system and has as goal the equilibrium of environment protection and the prevention of pollution with the socioeconomic needs by actions as:
. Develop and implement an environmental policy and its following objectives;
. Identify activities aspects that may result in meaningful environmental impacts;
. Establish systematic processes that take into account risk mitigation and legal obligations;
. The awareness of its relationship with environment, evaluating and accomplishing actions to improve its environmental perform.
Conquering a certification such as ISO 14001 represents attestation of recognizing in national and international levels, as it is the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) purpose, entity founded in 1946, with headquarter located on Switzerland on the city of Genebra, to elaborate and promote standards that may be used for every country of the world. Therefore, the ISO 14001 standard series are the most used for companies responsible for socioenvironmental issues. And so we can summarize that ISO 14001 defines criteria, ordering that Covolan Têxtil® produces on a sustainable way, preserving the environment with the focus on the environmental impact reduction, monitoring its productive process, serving the pertinent legislation in balance with socioeconomic needs.
Ecological Value: For environment the aware use and the conservation of natural resources, reducing pollutants, harmonizing the activities with the ecosystem. To the community and employees, the awareness and the serving of environment legislation, creating better work conditions, safety and commitment with environment. To the clients the reliability of our products, through responsible acting with sustainability.
Covolan Têxtil®.
The ISO 14001 standard series focused on environmental management were published in 1996, using as reference the BS 7750 standards, being also published on the same year the brazilian version by “Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas” (ABNT), being under CB 38 responsibility (Comitê Brasileiro de Gestão Ambiental). On December 2004, had its second edition and on October 2015 was published the third edition, the one we use since then.
ISO 14001 standard series determines the elements for an effective environmental management system and has as goal the equilibrium of environment protection and the prevention of pollution with the socioeconomic needs by actions as:
. Develop and implement an environmental policy and its following objectives;
. Identify activities aspects that may result in meaningful environmental impacts;
. Establish systematic processes that take into account risk mitigation and legal obligations;
. The awareness of its relationship with environment, evaluating and accomplishing actions to improve its environmental perform.
Conquering a certification such as ISO 14001 represents attestation of recognizing in national and international levels, as it is the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) purpose, entity founded in 1946, with headquarter located on Switzerland on the city of Genebra, to elaborate and promote standards that may be used for every country of the world. Therefore, the ISO 14001 standard series are the most used for companies responsible for socioenvironmental issues. And so we can summarize that ISO 14001 defines criteria, ordering that Covolan Têxtil® produces on a sustainable way, preserving the environment with the focus on the environmental impact reduction, monitoring its productive process, serving the pertinent legislation in balance with socioeconomic needs.
Ecological Value: For environment the aware use and the conservation of natural resources, reducing pollutants, harmonizing the activities with the ecosystem. To the community and employees, the awareness and the serving of environment legislation, creating better work conditions, safety and commitment with environment. To the clients the reliability of our products, through responsible acting with sustainability.
Covolan Têxtil®.