Jovem Aprendiz
Covolan Tour – Programa de Visitas

Always searching for vanguard acting, Covolan Têxtil® has anticipated itself on certifications ‘process that ensure the sustainable products offer to the denim´s productive chain

Environmental Care 360° rrepresents the company´s commitment with sustainability in all its pillars: social, economic and environmental.

Ranked among the main companies that produce denim in Brazil, Covolan Têxtil® attends the main players on national and international Market.

The most certified textile industry in Brazil, has as main objective to contribute for sustainable development. For this, searches to promote the continuous improving on performance management on its processes.

· To ensure quality and productivity;
· To minimize the residuals´ generation;
· To act on wound and occupational diseases´ prevention, always attending the applicable legislation;
· Keep itself according to the demands and international certifications that look forward the continuous improving;
. To develop innovative and competitive products for the market.

Ecological Value: To promote the increase of sustainable products, the compromise with global demands is added to power between clients and partners in order to offer to final costumer more than a sustainable product: a new consume culture that valorizes cleaner processes, coherent and renewable.

Covolan Têxtil®​